寿恒讲堂第302讲(Prof. Ying Zheng,Western University)


报告题目:Catalytic technology in the energy transition

报 告 人郑莹,加拿大工程院院士

时  间:2023年2月21日上午9:00

地  点:莫干山校区化工5#B306报告厅(线下),腾讯会议号:231-922-955(线上)


Prof. Ying Zheng is a professor and a Canada Research Chair (Tier 1) with the Department of Chemical Engineering, Western University. She is a Fellow of the Canadian Academy of Engineering, the Engineering Institute of Canada, and the Chemical Institute of Canada CIC as well as a Fellow of the Royal Society of chemistry (UK) and the Institution of Chemical Engineers (UK). Her research interests lie in the field of catalysis and catalytic processes for clean energy innovations. New catalytic materials along with catalytic processes are developed for application in CO2 utilization, N2 fixation, H2 production and clean/biofuel upgrading.  She has received numerous awards, including the 2022 FCCP Award of Merit, the 2018 Applied Catalysis Awards from the Royal Society of Chemistry, UK) and the Award in Design and Industrial Practice in 2018 from the Chemical Institute of Canada.